Connie Dillinger Lmt Pdmt


I'm redesigning my website, so stay tuned for more changes!

You can also find me through Facebook under : Connie Dillinger LMT PDMT Corrective Muscle Therapy

I offer in my private practice, a partnership for my clients to help them achieve the improvements they are looking for in their health. I help their body to re-balance their Chi as well as enabling the client to take responsibility for continuing their healing.

I'm a Muscle/Massage Therapist but since I am interested in helping you achieve better health- I tend to be more of a hands on Coach. I will point out body problems that you may not be aware of and make suggestions during post treatment for self care homework.

Protocol :

1} address immediate pain or crisis

2} address swelling and blocked circulatory system

3} balance posture closer to a middle point to equalize pressures on spine

4} address impaired ROM with cross fiber,acupressure,/trigger pt, ROM movements

5} address any detail oriented areas for scar tissue/damage etc

6} educate the client as to what was done, suggest aftercare/self care point out things they do that may be contributing to their physical problems ex:crossing legs for bad lower back etc.

I do not use creams or oils as they reduce or eliminate the ability for myofascial work.

My clients also stay comfortably dressed for this reason. This can help individuals with difficulty undressing or for those self conscious about getting disrobed.

My sessions are at least 60 minutes and often I may feel an extra 15-20+ is necessary to get to a good balance for that days treatment. It's no extra charge if it's my decision. If you, as the client ASK for more time, it's $1/ minute more.

For appointments or questions please leave a message under Contact me


Email :

Phone/Text : 267 218 0248

Leave name/ number/ best time to call 

When I'm with clients, I *do not* answer my phone, so text reaches me faster. 

I try to get back to everyone in a timely manner, so please be patient !

Thank you for understanding 

~Connie Dillinger LMT PDMT~








Thanks for visiting, and have a great day.